
Friday, February 4, 2011

The One Where....Rush Limbaugh is an Idiot

If you are a fan of the legendary sitcom that is "Friends", you'd catch my drift on the title of this post. But if this blog post were an episode, there would be many, many, many parts because Rush Limbaugh is an idiot about a thousand times over.

Limbaugh's recent antics have him complaining about his inability to understand Hu Jintao's speech that was fully delivered in Chinese and translated into English afterwards.

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Rush Limbaugh Speaks Chinese
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Hey Rush, I really don't expect you to know Chinese. It's one of the hardest languages to learn, with 4 accent types and thousands of characters. And it's sweet that you were trying to phonetically take notes; that's definitely taking the extra step that no one cares to do. But...just wait for the English translation, why don't ya? Or better yet, sign up for some Chinese language courses because the Chinese have no idea what "ching chong ding dong" means.